- 17. October 2024
The New Album
Millennium Symphony - David Garrett's new Album
n his new album “Millennium Symphony”, David again shows himself from a completely new side and presents the most exciting hits of the last 25 years in a new symphonic arrangement. Once more, he pushes the boundaries between classical and popular music. Starting with pop and rhythm&blues, through Latin music, club/house, to alternative rock and soundtrack scores, the New Yorker by choice spans the stylistic spectrum.
“Millennium Symphony” brings together all the megastars of recent pop history in a monumental and genre-spanning retrospective: Harry Styles, Ed Sheeran, Shawn Mendes & Camilla Cabello, Miley Cyrus, The Weeknd, Taylor Swift, The White Stripes, David Guetta, Coldplay, Beoncé, Rihanna, Kylie Minogue, My Chemical Romance and many more - a symphonic tribute to the greatest artists of the last two and a half decades who have made music history.
“Millennium Symphony” will be released in October 2024.